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How to limit response size

Hello, I'm making a call to the security ownership endpoint and its working fine but I'm getting way to much data, is there a way to limit the response size in some kind of unlisted parameter or something so that I could only get the top x owners? Thank you

How to check the history data (e.g., 5 years ago) via API?

The current API can only allow for the recent data query

Stock Regulatory Filings always returns empty

<https://api.fintel.io/web/v/0.0/sf/{country}/{symbol}> This endpoint always returns \[]. Anyone else?

How to access 13D/G Filings

Hello, I am currently programming a tool for a client that is supposed to deliver the 13D/G Filings of a specific activist investor e.g. "tang-capital-partners-lp". Currently I cannot find any API Request that allows this kind of request. What is the solution to get the data that is accordingly presented on the <https://fintel.io/i13d/tang-capital-partners-lp> from an API Request. Best Hannes

Any plans to devel the API capabilities

Disappointed by the limited capabilities

How can I get slugs from search that can be used to get holdings data?

Hi. I've been trying to use the search api for some time. The security ownership and institutional holdings endpoints are working fine, but when I use the search endpoint, I get a list of slugs that cannot be used to find further data from holdings endpoints - they invariably get a 404 response. I noticed that these slugs tend to be from filings from years ago. Is there a way I could use the search api to get either working slugs with preferably up-to-date data?

How to get the table in https://fintel.io/activists but via API ?????

How to get the table in https://fintel.io/activists but via API ?????

How to get financial data

Hi all, Need to get some financials to create a customized table. I need data such as ROE, ROI, sales, etc… how can I do that? Sorry for my English, I’m Italian. Thanks for your help.

Item path?

what is the item path from api response https://api.fintel.io/web/v/0.0/n/us/tsla i need that

Is there an endpoint for short squeeze list?

I am trying to collect the tickers (for personal use) included in the short squeeze list found here: https://fintel.io/shortSqueeze Is this supported?